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How to Choose a Burner for an Asphalt Mixing Plant?

Last Updated: 2024-07-18

The asphalt plant burner is a crucial component when choosing an asphalt mixing plant. Its selection will have a direct impact on the performance and efficiency of the mixing plant.

Types of Burners for An Asphalt Mixing Plant

Before choosing a burner, you first need to understand the various types of burners and their characteristics. Common burner types are shown in the following.

Pulverised coal burner: Suitable for the use of pulverised coal as a fuel for the scene, with high combustion efficiency, the advantages of uniform heat release.
Oil Burner: Uses oil as fuel, usually used in situations where natural gas or coal cannot be used, and is characterised by easy operation and cleanliness.
Natural gas burner: Using natural gas as fuel, with good environmental protection and high combustion efficiency, it is a common choice.
Dual-use oil and gas burners: flexible and adaptable, you can choose to use fuel oil or natural gas as fuel according to the actual needs.
Different types of burners have their own characteristics. It is vital that you choose the most suitable burner for your production needs and environmental conditions.

How to Choose a Burner for an Asphalt Mixing Plant?

Asphalt Plant Burner Performance Indicators

Burner performance indicators are the key aspects to consider when choosing a burner for asphalt mixing plant. They are directly related to production efficiency and product quality. The following will detail several key indicators of burner performance.

Consideration of Heavy Oil Characteristics
For projects using heavy oil, special consideration should be given to the characteristics of heavy oil to ensure that the burner selected can effectively deal with.

Atomisation particle size: The atomisation particle size of heavy oils should be controlled to within 15μm to ensure good combustion.
Temperature control: The asphalt mixing plant burner should have good temperature control ability to maintain a stable combustion temperature and improve production quality.
Accuracy of oil quantity: The burner must control oil precisely for stable fuel supply, preventing production issues from oil fluctuations.
Stable calorific value: The calorific value of heavy oil changes greatly. Therefore, the burner should handle calorific value fluctuations to maintain combustion efficiency.

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